The first CWE Flea of the 2015 season takes place next Saturday, May 2, and continues the first Saturday of each month through October 3, at 449 N. Euclid (at Washington). From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. fifteen unique vendors will be in attendance, including purveyors of repurposed/upcycled furniture, antiques, art, Uzma's chutney, handmade and vintage clothing, jewelry designers, an embroidery vendor, snow cones, and more.
With such a wide variety of offerings, there's sure to be something for everyone, so plan to stop by.
CWE Flea, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., 1st Saturday, May thru October, 449 N. Euclid (at Washington). For more information, email [email protected], or visit the Facebook page. If you drive, please don't forget to feed the meter.